Have you updated your headshot or team photos?

(PHOTO: Our first photos back in 1997!)

When was the last time you had your headshot or team photos taken? 
And then added to your website? Social media profiles?

The general rule of thumb is to update your bio/team photos every 2 years.


Five reasons to update your headshot:

  1. Your current headshot is a selfie.
    These amateur photos might have worked in a pinch. However, you should take advantage of the first opportunity you have to upgrade your headshots and show yourself in a professional light. On LinkedIn and other places online, it’s very easy to see which professionals invested in a headshot versus those that didn’t.
  2. You’ve changed your look.
    Any time you make a significant change to your appearance, such as altering your hairstyle or color, or gaining or losing significant weight, it’s important to update your headshots. After all, you want your headshots to create an accurate depiction of you for clients and colleagues.
  3. You’re ready to establish your personal brand.
    Once you’ve defined your brand and decided you’re ready to establish yourself, however, it’s important to get headshots that reflect your identity. Your headshots are likely to be published on your company’s website, on your personal portfolio, on social media, and in countless other places. To keep your personal brand consistent, you need the right headshots.
  4. You’ve transitioned to a new field or level.
    Every time you advance your career or move into a new field, consider refreshing your headshots. Naturally, when you want to establish yourself in a new role or industry, it’s important to look the part.
  5. You need more variety.
    Having one great headshot isn’t always enough. As you make a name for yourself, your profile is likely to be published on a wide range of websites and social media accounts. Over time, sharing the same headshot can make you look out of touch.


HINT! What should you avoid in headshots?

  • Neon colors.
  • Busy or very small patterns.
  • Spaghetti straps or strapless dresses.
  • Colors that match the background.
  • Baggy clothes.
  • Clothes You Don’t Normally Wear.


Keep your headshots and your bios up to date on all of your social media and on your website. And if you need new print materials with updates – add that to your list!  Consistency in your brand and messaging is important.


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