Happy World Wide Web Day!

World Wide Web Day, marking the birth of the Web in August 1990 at the Europe Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Switzerland. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau developed a prototype Web browser and introduced Hypertext Markup Language, HTML.

The first ever website was published on August 6, 1991 and served up a page explaining the World Wide Web project and giving information on how users could setup a web server and how to create their own websites and web pages, as well as how they could search the web for information. The URL for the first ever web page put up on the first ever website was http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html

The World Wide Web (‘WWW’ or simply the ‘Web’) is a global information medium which users can read and write via computers connected to the Internet. The term is often mistakenly used as a synonym for the Internet itself, but the Web is a service that operates over the Internet, just as e-mail also does. The history of the Internet dates back significantly further than that of the World Wide Web. (source: https://keepincalendar.com/August-1/World-Wide-Web-Day/213

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My first freelance website gig was back in 1995.
And here we are today with over 400 projects in our portfolio.
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