Are you using your H1s and H2s well?

First – what is H1 and H2?

The H1 tag is an HTML heading that’s most commonly used to mark up a web page title. Most websites use CSS to make the H1 stand out on the page compared to lesser headings like H2, H3, etc.

An H2 tag marks the first sub-heading after your document’s main heading. It defines the second-level headings on your webpage. Like an H1 tag, an H2 tag also appears larger than the rest of your main body text.


Second – why are they important?

Good clean code. An HTML file can be defined as a combination of nodes, whereby the heading tag is the starting point from which other nodes branch out. An HTML file should, therefore, (in theory) have just one H1 heading because the H1 tag is the root from which all the other nodes begin.

Other headers lower in the order (H2 to H6) can be used as often as desired.

SEO. Google rewards good content management. So using your H1s and H2s well, help you in search results and are often used in Featured Snippets.

Accessibility. Screen readers use headers to help organize content as they read it aloud. And offers your content a wider reach.

If it is time to look at your content and code, let us know.  We can help!


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