Telecommuting Tips + COVID-19

Our team at YourPlanB is very comfortable working from home.  We have chosen a profession that almost insists on it! Our first office was in our living room in Chicago’s Uptown neighbourhood back in 1997.  Many of our freelancers work remotely – it fits our workflow perfectly. After brainstorming with our crew, we have compiled some resources for you that work for us. See below.

As experienced telecommuters, we feel it is our duty to help the influx of new folks setting up temporary (and possibly permanent) work from home spaces in their homes for the first time.  Many companies are offering telecommuting during the COVID-19 issue as a way to keep their  commitment to your health and safety. We couldn’t agree more! YourPlanB will not be commuting to our shared office space and won’t be having any team meet ups this month.  Instead we will keep our Google Hangouts open and ready to chat! JameyB will be meeting weekly with each client and team virtually to help keep projects (and productivity) moving forward to continue to meet deadlines and goals.

Resources for monitoring COVID-19:


Keep an eye on upcoming events being rescheduled:


Hints and tips for working from home:

Our crew has the tools and talent to keep your projects moving forward – we can help balance the task load during this transition to remote working for your team.

Let me know how we can help.