National WebMistress Day!

(Photo caption: Freelancing JameyB way back in 1995)

Recognizes Women in Web Development

“A WebMistress is a woman who designs, develops, markets and maintains websites. The term has existed since the mid-1990s. The term officially entered technology’s lexicon in June of 1995. That month, Kat Valentine secured the domain name Taking the name a step further, Valentine then began web development under the job title WebMistress. Comparatively, the term WebMaster arrived on the scene as early as 1986, according to various classified ads.” Read more!

“Webmistress” was the title on my very first business card back in 1995 when I was freelancing. I was using RIPCO services and it had a spider web on it. DavidB designed it for me. No one knew what in the world my job was until I would show them a website I worked on or answered a question about HTML.

GIANT shout out to all the webmistresses online!
There really should be more of us – jump in and join us! (aka Lynda Weinman) is still a great resource to get started AND she is a webmistress too!

(Photo caption: DavidB, Lynda and JameyB in 2000)
