TREND: More video content

You don’t need us to tell you that video content for the web is helpful! (that isn’t new)
Video not only diversifies the page but caters to an on-the-go audience who don’t have the time to scan through a lot of text.

What is new is the move Google has made toward mixed search page results, featuring video content above standard web pages. This has led websites to prioritize video production in order to make themselves easily searchable and offer content in the most efficient, shareable way.

Videos allow you to increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Thus, longer exposure builds trust and signals search engines that your site has good content. Moovly shares whopping statistics: You’re 53 times more likely show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website!

Many marketers shy away from creating video content for one simple reason: it has a reputation for being too expensive to produce, but this could be no further from the truth as video content is easy to make and implement as it can capture the attention of an audience and generate much more interest than how a typical blog would do. In this way, video content for websites is an effective way of getting more viewers to your site.

  1. Invest in the process, not just the product
  2. Set the right stage for social plays
  3. Tag your work
  4. Authenticity rules
  5. Know your audience

The YPBCo crew has video experience.  It is where they got their start!  Waaay back in the day they were video/film PA’s in Chicago 🙂
Give us a call to brainstorm your next website video idea!

Just for fun check out one of Dave’s latest stop-motion videos….
