Importance of browser and platform testing

For many designers, cross browser and platform testing takes a back seat to design. This is not good.  And it is NOT how Your Plan B Company creates sites.

We believe this is an extremely important issue of launching a new website – it is part of good design. Each browser displays websites differently, so it is vital that your business site looks perfect on every one. This can often be a challenge especially with browsers such as Internet Explorer, but must be done if you want as much traffic as possible.

Visual errors on your site can be very damaging and could cause viewers to leave right away. A well designed and coded website that is being displayed properly in browsers is the foundation of any website. Once you have a quality designed and developed site, you can fill it with well-written content and other elements such as accent graphics.

Each browser reads code a little different and an experienced designer can help you understand why there are compromises to made on design to allow for usability and functionality across the board!

We keep an eye on the stats offered by w3schools.  They keep track of popular browsers and usage. 

Since there is no definitive way to determine the mix of browser/operating system combinations that your users may have, the only way to maximize broad market access to your website is to plan ahead and ensure that your website has been cross-browser and platform tested by your website designer. This approach may cost a bit more but the benefits can include:

  • Consistent, stable cross-browser/platform rendering and functionality on all website pages – higher quality website
  • Simplified website maintenance and updates
  • Ease of use/viewing for end-users (your customers!)
  • Increased customer conversion ratio
  • Your prospects will know that you value quality

A good rule of thumb is to remember that the website is for your users, so we need to surf like your users surf (and test it one more time!)