Basecamp2 tips! Part One

Why do we use Basecamp 2? (not Basecamp 3)
While Basecamp 3 is new and cool, there are some elements that we don’t need at this time.  So we stick with Basecamp 2. It allows you to participate from anywhere at anytime. No lost emails to spam folders – everything is tracked through the site. It is one of the easiest tools out there, if you use Facebook or Twitter, you can use Basecamp.  AND there are quick tutorials if you need some help built right into the tool.  Our favorite feature is the search. If we all upload, discuss and share our comments in the correct threads – quick answers can be found using the search!

Follow the work using the PROGRESS link
Our favorite way to keep track of when and what is happening is by clicking on the “Progress” link.  This shows you a timeline of all the discussions, tasks, uploads etc. You can click directly from a progress item to join in the conversation or add an upload.

If you need to see what is assigned to you or manage your settings, use the ME link
By clicking the “Me” link you will go to a page with all of your latest activity, your open to-dos, completed to-dos, shared files and you can manage your personal info and Basecamp settings.

Discussions vs. Tasks (on the To-Do List)
This can sometimes be confusing.  Think of Discussions as conversations, brainstorming or questions that might lead to a task.
Think of Tasks as just that – a task to complete (a command to do something) with a start date, assignment and completion date.

Upload your files here.  Be sure to add a good description tag for searching later.  Easy to follow upload instructions allow you to upload from your desktop.

Text Documents
These are documents that we can all edit (they look like little notepads).  My team likes to use them for managing passwords, accounts, who to call lists so we can all keep them current.

Phone App
Basecamp is available on the web, iOS, Android, Mac, and PC.

Inbox filling up with Basecamp notifications?
By clicking the “Me” link you will go to a page with all of your latest activity.  If you look up on the right you will see “Your Basecamp settings”. Click that and manage your email notification settings.

Trying to find something?
Using the search tool is the best way to quickly sort through everything in a camp.

You have some options when you enter info into the search bar (top right of your screen)

  1. Search within this project
  2. Search in all projects and calendars

For example: If you are looking for all of the progress reports, you could search “progress reports” within this project and your results will be all of the weekly progress reports.

More tips next week!