
Take your work outside!
The sun is out, the temps are great (at least here in the Midwest) so why not grab your laptop/tablet and head outside to work?


  1. It Reduces Your Stress
  2. Gets You Out of the Deadly Office Chair
  3. Distracts You—in a Good Way
  4. Come Back Re-Energized

There are some things to be aware of when working outside of your office:

  • Background noise when you are on the phone
  • Being too loud when you are on a call (sharing company info to those around you)
  • Charge up your mobile devices BEFORE you head out the door
  • Try to sit with the screen in the shade (or use a glare-free screen)
  • Not all wi-fi is created equal (watch those passwords and security)
  • Attach your bags, backpacks etc to your chair (less easy for them to walk away)

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