Good communication produces GREAT collaborations!

Networking online has become easier and more beneficial with access to so much open communication – like Skype, Chat, Hangouts etc.  In our opinion, pairing up with other talented individuals is the best way to create outstanding projects. By working together you can learn a lot from other designers and programmers by sharing tips and experiences.

However, collaboration works the best when there is clear, consistent communication.  Communication skills help reap the following benefits of collaboration= promoting teamwork, exposition of ideas, creation and expansion of knowledge, the mixture of different styles, meeting deadlines and multiple solutions to shared experiences.

Tips for clear communication in a collaboration:

  • Listen, take a deep breath and hear what the other person is saying
  • Read, take a deep breath and read the email, note or instant message
  • Be aware of your nonverbal movements
  • Use project management tools together
  • Respect each person’s time, creative pace and workload
  • Schedule consistent time with each other weekly
  • Agree on communication tools at the beginning (google+, skype, email)
  • Remember the 7 C’s=  Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete and Courteous.
  • Include some fun to help manage stress
  • Postpone sending emails when you are stressed. Take time to calm down before engaging with your clients and team.

In the end, it’s impossible to be an expert at everything.  So why not assemble a team and make a good project, GREAT together!

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