I wanted to send you a note to thank you for the outstanding web site you developed for us–we absolutely love it and we have received wonderful reviews from many of our clients and candidates.

The two of you are an incredible team. You were able to take all the information and ideas from a group of people and turn it into a creative, easy to use site with the perfect “look and feel” for our executive recruiting business. We also appreciated the ease in tracking the progress of our site through the temporary site you set up for us, the responsiveness to our questions and the follow through to make sure every detail was met.

Thank you for making the experience “hassle free”. We look forward to working with you to maintain and refresh our site.

Susan G. Rosenstein, Susan Rosenstein Executive Search Limited
Chicago, IL
December 2000

wsrbYour Plan B teamed up with Susan Rosenstein Executive Search Limited to build an online brochure that matched the company’s unique market segment. Susan Rosenstein Executive Search Limited recruits senior level executives, particularly those focused on communications and the arts.

We developed a look that balances the simplicity of corporate design with a splash of color, showing off the firm’s artistic flair.

NEW in 2003: To make the site easy to update, Your Plan B Company converted one of the pages to PHP and created an admin just for Susan to be able to make quick changes and additions to the Active Searches through her browser (instead of HTML and FTP).