Why I like being a small design company –

(and why I think our clients have fun working with us!)

One word – wiggle.

Well, two words really, “wiggle room”.

While this might make some managers cringe, we provide wiggle room.  Don’t get me wrong, we hit milestones and deadlines and launches…but we allow for the creative time and the life moments to happen while working on a project with our clients.

Sometimes the client needs another week to get everyone involved to approve a design or finish their content.  Sometimes we need a day or two to try a new (sometimes better) idea for the client.  If we start the project by understanding the need of “wiggle room”, we avoid burn-out, repetition and redoing work.  It keeps everyone rolling along and aware that sometimes more time is the right answer.

On the flip side, sometimes ideas hit and creativity strikes and we get things done fast and furious leaving time for more beta testing or checking off a wishlist item that was being held over to the next phase.  Wiggle room doesn’t always mean a delay!

If you want to try us for your next project and experience “wiggle room”, give us a call.  I tend to write all deadlines in pencil, because you just never know <wink>