Know Your Audience

One of the MOST useful pieces of knowledge passed on by one of my favorite professors at Beloit College was “know your audience” (Thanks Carl Balson!). I have carried this nugget with me and it has served me well, not only with my business, but in my personal life too! From websites to banner ads to birthday cards – know your audience rings true.

Now HOW do you get to know your audience?
Put yourself in their shoes. Surf sites they like. Keep an eye open for things in their interest groups. Google them. Consider: their experience, education, job or professional background, age, gender, ethnic background, cultural difference, attitudes, biases, interests, concerns, how they listen, how they receive information, shared interests with you etc.

WHY would you want to know your audience?
It boils down to one thing – you want YOUR message heard. That message might be to sign up for an event or buy our widget or even happy birthday. By knowing your audience, they will hear you because you have crafted your message for them – not for you.

Even if you aren’t in the marketing game, this nugget of wisdom can do wonders for your personal communications. So take a moment before you write, and get to know who you are talking to.
