JCFS/JVS Annual Report design

An exciting year deserves an exciting annual report

Like the colours on a painters pallet, JCFS and JVS Chicago have a multitude of programs that make up their wide range of services for a variety of families.  And like a painters pallet, there is a human element essential to what they offer.

A colorful design was created to show the diversity, yet communicate the importance of the connection between them all.  This continuity is important in conveying a unified message about the importance of all their programs.  The hand painted elements mirrored the message of the importance of the human element in everything they do.

You may think of a print booklet as being still or stagnant, but by using creative cuts and folds, a piece can be engaging for the reader as well as being surprising by using varying sized inner pages.  Turning the page revealed a new bold colour, enticing the reader to keep exploring forward.

Hand painted charts and painted design effects applied to photographs further enhance the personal and colorful feel of the overall Annual Reports.  Included were graphics for powerpoint, web + print, two annual reports, donor lists, and various envelopes for different audiences – all reflecting the overall personal, feel of the campaign.

Want to discuss your upcoming annual report project?  Give us a call 773.665.2552