EquityHUB.com remodel – a true collaboration!

EquityHUB founder, Pat Wilson, is on a roll!
And he has assembled a super team to get his ideas online quickly and just right!

By combining the talents of Cloud Nyne Design, Curtis., Lytical Design and Your Plan B Company, Pat has moved from a spark of an idea to a powerful online presence. Design, Drupal Development, Project Management, Content Development coming together from multiple cities through Basecamp (hooray 37signals.com)

The way EquityHUB works is simple. You broadcast your needs and let the right properties find you! Follow the link below to see how our HUB works and see some of its greatest features at work! And everyday another useful piece hops onto the site! From App development to Video Tours to new users with new listings! Keep your eye on this site!

A GIANT THANK YOU to the entire team – GO EquityHUB! GO!