Back to school with HERO (Higher Education Resources Online)

New postcards for a new year!

We love working with the folks at the Higher Education Resources Online – and we are getting great reviews back from others using the site. As we head into Year 2, we sent some new postcards out as a reminder about the site as a resource.

“I appreciate that there is a venue where higher education faculty can network and share resources.  There are plenty of resources available to practitioners, but not necessarily resources designated for higher ed faculty.  A couple of definite resources that I highly recommend are the Cultural and Linguistic Resources for IL Higher Education and the archived webinars.  There are several resources that I found on the site that I could use in class such as the video: “What Does My Head Scarf Mean to You?”  If we, as in ECE faculty, consistently added to the resources, we would have a large library of resources easily accessible.  Adding an resource is an extremely easy process. “

Melissa S. Johnson
Coordinator, Early Childhood Program
Highland Community College


“HERO is a wonderful, centralized location for all kinds resources I may need.  I go to looking for one thing and always end up investigating and reading many other great posts.”

Catherine Main
Coordinator of Early Childhood Programs
Department of Educational Psychology
College of Education


This project is funded through federal funding from the Race to the Top Grant – Early Learning Challenge, Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Center for Professional Development, The Center, and the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development.