B-HIVE basecamp

Over the years we have had a chance to work with some exceptional talents! Many of which we now call friends. In the spirit of sharing, we wanted to highlight a few here on our blog.

Basecamp.com – keep track of every file, discussion, and event from beginning to end—all in one place.

Your team, clients, contractors, and vendors together, at last.
Everyone involved in a project can work together on Basecamp. You have full control over who sees which project, and who sees each other. Basecamp is available 24/7 for the entire team AND the client.

We made the switch to Basecamp a year ago and love it! The team at 37signals.com who created this online project management solution keeps it fresh with a new iPhone app, easy uploads, text documents, labels etc. We enjoy that they listen to the users and keep this solution current.

If you have to manage a group – be it a web project or a volunteer group or a condo association, we highly suggest using Basecamp.com.